Apossitive phrase (App)

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Read each sentence. If the sentence contains an appositive, write A on the line and circle the appositive word or phrase. If the sentence does not contain an appositive, write N.  (FIND THE ANSWER TO THE EXERCISE ON: Doggy -answers)

1. ___ The Great Serum Race began in Nome, a city in Alaska.

2. ___ The city had several cases of diphtheria, a fast-spreading disease.

3. ___ In 1925, Nome had a population of about 1,400 people.

4. ___ The cure for diphtheria, antitoxin serum, was not available.

5. ___ The nearest supply was in Anchorage, 1,000 miles away.

6. ___  Bill Shannon, the first musher to carry the serum, left Anchorage on January 27.

7. ___  Bill had a team of nine malamutes.

8. ___ Togo, a proven leader, waited anxiously to begin his part of the race.

9. ___ Togo's leader was Leonhard, the famed Norwegian musher.

10. ___ Balto, another famous lead dog, finally finished the race and delivered the serum.


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