CLEFT Sentences


1. I love the French fries in this restaurant. = What I love ___________________________________________

2. Sign your name here and here. = What you _________________________________ and here.

3. My bother has to  wear a uniform and check everyone´s identity.=  What brother has _____________________ and check everyone´s identity.

4. There was a sudden crash and all the lights went out. =  What happened __________________ and all the lights went out.

5. They need to tell their teacher not me. = It ____________________________________, not me.

6. I want to hear the facts, not everyone´s opinion.= It ___________________________, not everyone´s opinion.

7. I like the special effects in this movie. = The thing I like _________________________ the special effects.

8. You need to see the manager about your complain. = The person you need to see ________________________.

9. I´m waiting because I because I´d like to get tickects for the concert. = The reason I´m waiting ________________.


Read the dialogues. Speaker B corrects speaker A using cleft sentences. Write B´s sentences using the words in parenthesis.

Example: 0. A: Doesn´t Martin build model cars?   B: No, What Martin builds is aeroplanes. (What / builds / aeroplane)

1. A: Do I put this in the oven now?   B: ______________________________(What / do / in the fridge)

2. A: Did they take the wrong train?  B: No, ___________________________ (What happened / the wrong bus)

3. A: We need to call an electrician. B: ________________________________ (It / plumber / call)

4. A: We can´t afford to go to the museums in London. It´ll be too expensive.

    B: No, ____________________________________________ (The good thing / museums in London / free)

5. The car´s broken down. Call the police.  B: No, ____________________ (The person / need to call / mechanic)


Rewrite each remark as a cleft sentence. Use the words given.

1. "The Sunflowers" was painted by Van Gogh, not by Gaugin. = It ___________________________________, not Gaugin.

2. David never apologizes for his mistakes. I can´t stand that about him. = What _____________________________.

3. I got to the bookstore and then I realized that I didn´t have any money. = It __________________________ (until).

4. Benetton´s advertisements raise awareness about global issues, and I like that. = The thing __________________

5. "Exodus" was sung by Bob Marley, not by Geldof. = It __________________________, not Geldof.

6. Computer rarely work properly, which I hate.  = The thing ________________________________________

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