Run On Sentences

1. Oración mal redactada - IT MUST BE AVOIDED!

2. Una oración con 4 claúsulas o más, o por mal uso de conexiones (conjunciones, conectores o puntuación)

3. En cuanto a puntuación, se debe mayormente a mal uso de COMAS (COMMA SPLICES)


After the bomb exploded  / and / the terrorists entered the building  /,/  the boy acted  /as though/ he were dead /so/ he wouldn't be noticed. = 5 claúsulas.


After the bomb exploded, the terrorist entered the building.  The boy acted as though he were dead.


Alison is still sleeping /which means/ she must had had a good time at the Guns and Roses concert last night.


Alison is still sleeping.  That means she must have had a good time at the Guns and Roses concert last night. 


1. Any woman has the right to decide whether to work or not although this is not the case for some married women in Mexico due to many factors which are present in our society and which traditionally come from our cultural background as latinos being an overprotective, family-tied and machist society in comparison to other countries like the United States of America or in countries in Europe or Asia where women tend to be more both socially and family independent.

2. Hiram Bingham, explorer and professor of South American history, first crossed the Andes Mountains in February 1909, the wettest month of the year, which makes his travels difficult.

3. Catherine travels a great deal with her mother and this is the reason she isn't available to lead the city Finance Committee.

4. Because she didn't know the answer, Janie found it to be quite awkward when she was questioned in the final round of the Junior Science Competition.

5. When the new lawn mower quit working, Carl's anger toward it was unleashed and he kicked the gate and broke it.

6. Scientists and archeologists remain puzzled to this day about how the pyramids were by the ancient Egyptians built.

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