Welcome to this English grammar course! Hopefully, the experience we´re starting can help us all to learn from each other. This webpage has been carefully designed to provide the necessary theoretical background of the English grammar as well as the practical scheme to make our English a strong source for all our written and oral abilities.



By the end of this course, the student will have applied the essential grammar forms and functions from a communicative relevance to enrich his/her linguistic competence.

During this course, you are expected to:

  • Attend all class lessons.
  • Be prepared with your cellphone, Tablet or laptop.

  • No excuses for not having a cellphone, tablet or laptop.

  • Work enthusiatically alone, in pairs or teams.

  • Do all class activitivies on time in the classroom, online or at school/home.

  • Be prepared for quizzes and exams.

  • Ask in case of doubts.

  • Interrupt only if needed.

  • Complain! I´m willing to listen.



  • Written exam......... 40%
  • Class Activities..... 20%
  • Quizzes...................20%
  • Research Project...20%


  • Written exam......... 60%
  • Class Activities..... 20%
  • Quizzes.................. 20%
© 2018 Williams Paul Us Grajales. Todos los derechos reservados.
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